Page 6 - An Early History of Paw Paw Township-Final-R
P. 6

little settled at that time. Besides William and John Lyle, the settlers were
Jesse Biekell, John Sherrod, Daniel Abbott, and Archibald Buys. Buys lived
about a mile east of William Lyle, and except hinr there was no one between
Lyle and the township line, nor were there any settlers whatever in the
southeastern portion of the township.

Anthony Labaday and his wife came to Paw Paw village in 1836, and during
the next year occupied a house previously inhabited by Lawson Grout, who in
that year moved out to a farm on section 22, where he died, and where his son
George now lives. In 1837, Labaday and his wife settled upon the farm of
Williamson Mason (Mrs. Labaday's brother), in section 22, where they lived
until 1842, when Mr. Labaday bought of Peter Gremps a farm on section 21,
and lived there until his death, in 1860. His widow still resides on the place.
When the Labadays moved upon section 22, in 1837, their nearest neighbor
was Asa Hinckley. In 1838 they had another neighbor, Horace Chadwick, who
moved to Illinois with his family about 1850.

Edwin Barnum, already mentioned, came to Paw Paw in 1835 when a young
man, purchased 280 acres on sections 10 and 15, went at once upon his land,
and lived there a bachelor until 1840, when he married a daughter of John
Lyle. He removed to Paw Paw village in 1864, and resided there until his
death, in August, 1875. His widow still lives in the village. Mr. Barnum held
numerous local offices, and was for some years county treasurer.

James Cate, with his son Lorenzo, settled in 1836 upon section 9. He died in
the township, and after that Lorenzo moved to the far West.

In June, 1835, Asa G. Hinckley, of New York, reached Paw Paw with his wife
and five children, and settled on section 14, the land having been entered by
Elder Jonathan Hinckley, his father, who came out a few months before, and
who himself located in Breedsville. Asa moved in 1846 to a farm south of
Eagle Lake, and died there in 1871. Later his widow moved to Paw Paw
village, where she now lives.

In June, 1S35, also, Richard Hutchins, of Oneida Co., N. Y., came with his wife
and two children, and located upon section 2, where he died in 1870, and
where his widow now lives.

John Barber, a Vermonter, came West with his family, in company with the
Cate family, and located on section 8, where he died in 1838. West of him
were the families of the Grouts and Henry Rhodes. Shortly afterwards Henry
Monroe and Orimel Butler settled in that vicinity.

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